Ao. Univ-Prof. Dr. Mag. Ursula Thanheiser, MSc., PD.


Academic Curriculum Vitae

2009 - ongoing

Assoc.Univ.Prof. for Archaeobotany at the University Vienna

2000 - ongoing

Archaeobotanist at the VIAS - Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, University Vienna, with research projects in Austria, Egypt, Greece, Italy and Turkey


venia docendi for Archaeobotany at the University Vienna

1995 - 1998

Fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (APART - Fellowship No.204)

1994 - 1999

Archaeobotanist at IDEA, University Vienna

1992 - ongoing

Principal Co-Investigator of the international Dakhleh Oasis Project (DOP), Egypt

1990 - 2003

Research Projects in Egypt funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

1989 - 1994

Research Assistant at the Institute of Botany, Vienna University, with the emphasis on archaeobotanical research; projects in Bulgaria (Karanovo) and Egypt


venia legendi for Archaeobotany at the University of Vienna

1987 - 1988

Erwin-Schrödinger Scholarship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF J0116B)


Ph.D Botany and Egyptology, University Vienna (Dr.rer.nat.), PhD.-thesis: Untersuchungen zur ägyptischen Landwirtschaft in dynastischer Zeit an Hand von Pflanzenresten aus Tell el Dab'a


M.Sc. Bioarchaeology and Archaeobotany at the Institute of Archaeology/Department of Human Environment, University College London, Investigation of the Possibility of Aarian Change under Asiatic Influence at Avaris


Expert activities/ Peer reviews

·                 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

·                 European Research Council

·                 Leverhulme Trust

·                 African Archaeological Review

·                 Vegetation History and Archaeobotany



1995 - 1998

Fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (APART - Fellowship No.204)