Dr. Mag. Ing. Mathias Mehofer
Academic Curriculum Vitae
2015 | Invitation to the selection procedure for the research director for Archaeometallury, Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum, Germany (succession of Prof. A. Hauptmann) |
2015 | PhD. in Prehistoric Archaeology, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Dr.Phil., "magna cum laude") Supervisors: Univ. Prof. Dr. M. Bartelheim, University Tübingen and Univ. Prof. Dr. E. Pernicka, University Heidelberg, PhD.-thesis: "Metallverarbeitung im 4. und 3. Jt. v. Chr. in Westanatolien, Spätchalkolithische und frühbronzezeitliche Metallurgie auf dem Çukuriçi Höyük" |
2004 | Head of the research area for Archaeometry - Scanning Electron Microscopy, Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS), University Vienna |
2004 | Master, in Prehistoric Archaeology (Mag., passed with distiction), Supervisor: Gen. Dir. Dr. F. Daim, RGZM Mainz, Germany, Master-thesis: "Archäologische und technologische Untersuchungen zur Eisenverhüttung und Verarbeitung in der awarischen Siedlung von Zillingtal/Burgenland" |
2002 | ERASMUS-exchange semester, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
2000 - 2001 | civilian service |
2000 - ongoing | Head of the archaeometallurgical laboratory at the VIAS - Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, University Vienna |
2000 - ongoing | Employment in numerous research projects as researcher or principle investigator |
1997 - 2000 | Project team member at the achaeometallurgical laboratory of the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS), University Vienna |
1996 - ongoing | Participation in numerous research projects and excavations |
1995 | Studies of Prehistorc archaeology, Classical archaeology and History, University Vienna |
Main Research
· Archaeometallurgy of copper, bronze and precious metals, metallurgy of iron
· Beginning of metallurgy, transfer of metallurgical knowledge
· Resources, mining archaeology, environmental history, economy
· Cultural contacts and settlement archaeology
· Experimental archaeology
· Medieval archaeology, Bronze Age archaeology, Iron Age archaeology
2006 - 2007 | Research grant from the Federal Ministry of Science for the project: "Interdisciplinary Studies on a tool hoard of Early Middle Ages from Regensburg, Germany" |
Expert activities/peer reviews
· various national and international research funding institutions
· Journal of Archaeological Science
· Kovove Materialy - Metallic Materials
· Archäologie Österreichs
2023 - ongoing | Associated member, RC HIMaT, University Innsbruck |
2013 - ongoing | Editorial Board "Journal of World Prehistory" |
2006 - ongoing | Editorial Board of the journal "Archäologie Österreichs" |
2006 - 2013 | Vice-Chairman of the Austrian Society for Early- and Prehistory (ÖGUF) |
1998 - 2006 | Charimanship of the working group "Experimental Archaeology" of the Austrian Society for Early- and Prehistory (ÖGUF) |
Fieldwork/ excavations
2015 | Director of the excavation "Der mittelalterliche Burgstall von Neudegg, NÖ" |
2000 | Director of the excavaion: "Das latènezeitlichen Pingenfeld von Unterpullendorf / Burgenland (Eisenerzabbau)" |
1996 - ongoing | Regular participation at numerous excavations |
Teaching at the Univerity Vienna and Brno (CZ)
Scince 2000 regular lectures, and practices on
· Natural Science in Archaeology : Archaeometry
· Archaeometallurgy for archaeologists
· Experimental archaeology: Theory und Practice
· Experimental archaeology: Museum Education
(Co-)Organisation of Conferences and Workshops
2015 | International Conference: KUPFERZEIT: ZEIT DER INNOVATIONEN, Mistelbach |
2010 | Internationale Konferenz: EXPERIMENTELLE ARCHÄOLOGIE: Theory - Practise - Science - Education, 27.-30.10.2010, Vienna |
2009 | International Conference: ZEITENwandel - Siedlungs- und Sozialstrukturen zwischen Spätantike und Hochmittelalter, 21.-24.10.2009, Mauterndorf/Lungau, Salzburg |
2007 | International Conference: ZERSTÖRUNGSFREIE ARCHÄOLOGIE. Aktuelle Methoden und Analyseverfahren im Einsatz der archäologischen Forschung, Vienna |
2003 | 1st International Conference of the European Association for the Advancement of Archaeology by Experiment (EXAR), Vienna |
(Co-)Organisation of exhibitions
2013 - 2014 | Planning and scientific advice for the permanent exhibition at the MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya, NÖ (planning of the scientific laboratory) |
2013 - 2014 | Exhibition "Tempus. Museum für Archäologie", Bad Wimsbach/Neydharting, OÖ" (scientific advice) |
1998 | Exhibition "Bronzehandwerk alter Meister", Krahuletzmuseum Eggenburg, NÖ (Planning and organisation of the exhibition, together with H. Herdits) |