The prehistoric fortified settlement Schwarzenbach-Burg – A long term interdisciplinary research project of VIAS
The archaeological evaluation of the site Schwarzenbach-Burg is the largest interdisciplinary research project of VIAS. Starting as a small scale stratigraphic excavation in 1992 the project evolved into a variety of multidisciplinary approaches to integrate archaeological science into daily archaeological field work based on pioneering large interdisciplinary stratigraphic open area excavations and integrating fully three-dimensional GIS-based digital documentation using latest laser scanner technology. This research projects were generously funded by the Ministry of Science, the Austrian National Bank´s Research Fund, the County of Lower Austria, the University of Vienna and the Community of Schwarzenbach. The research objectives and actual results have been presented on many specialised international conferences. Scientific delegations from Japan, China, Sweden, Canada, Great Britain, Brasilia and Australia visited the research on site and sent students to have them trained in latest stratigraphic techniques on site. Beside the research projects, VIAS had also invoked the public presentation of the research results by the means of an archaeological park, a museum and famous reenactment festivals attracting more than 20.000 people a year. The annual Celtic Festival, wining the best festival award in 2002, was a major stimulus for the CelticNight, one of the European Researchers´ Night events to present interdisciplinary research and the role of researchers for the European society to the wide public, first hold in Schwarzenbach in 2007.