Ass. Prof. Dr. Irmgard Hein - Publikationen




Hein, Irmgard / Jánosi, Peter, Tell el-Dabca XI: Siedlungsrelikte der Späten Hyksoszeit, Areal A/V. DÖAW XXV, UZK XXI, Wien.


Hein, Irmgard / Satzinger, Helmut, Stelen des Mittleren Reiches II, CAA. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Lieferung 7. Mainz, Philipp von Zabern.


Hein, Irmgard, Die Ramessidische Bautätigkeit in Nubien. GOF IV/22. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz.


Hein, Irmgard / Satzinger, Helmut, Stelen des Mittleren Reiches I, CAA Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Lieferung 4. Mainz, Philipp von Zabern.



Hein, I., Billing, N., Meyer-Dietrich, E., (Eds.), The Pyramids : between Life and Death. Proceedings of a workshop, held at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, 31st of May - 1st of June 2012. University of Uppsala. BOREAS 39.


Hein, I., Biro, K., Buxeda I Garrigós, J., Day, P., Ionescu, C., Kilikoglou, V., Maggetti, M., Waksman, Y. (Guest-eds.), Ancient Ceramics – Analysis and Components. Special Issue, Journal of Applied Clay Science. Vol. 82, Sept. 2013. (peer reviewed volume)


Hein, I., Kern, Ang., Kowarik, K., Tschegg C., (Eds.), EMAC 2011, 11th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Vienna Austria. Abstract volume. Vienna 2011. (free download: (peer reviewed)


Hein, I. (Ed.) The Formation of Cyprus in the 2nd Millennium B.C. Studies in Regionalism during the Middle and Late Bronze Age. DÖAW Vol. LII, CCHEM XX. 2009. Proceedings of a workshop held at the 4th International Cyprological congress, May 2nd 2008, Lefkosia, Cyprus. (peer reviewed volume)


Hein, I. (Ed.) „The Lustrous Wares of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean”, Papers of a conference, Vienna 5th – 6th of November 2004. CChEM XIII, Vienna.


Czerny, E., Hein, I., Hunger, H., Melman, D., Schwab, A., (Eds.), “Timelines”, Studies in Honour of M. Bietak. 3 Volumes. OLA 149.

Submitted for print:

Hein, I. (Ed.), Potters Art in Red and Black: The Cypriot Bichrome Wheelmade Ware. 3 volumes. With contributions by M. Artzy, C. Bergoffen, L. Crewe, M. Lindblom, H. Charaf, J.Y. Monchambert, R. Stidsing, E. Kozal, M.H. Gates.



Hein, I., Gaza och Egypten på 1000-talet f.Kr., in : Catalogue : Gaza – Porten mot Havet, Medelhavsmuseet, (Red. S. Häggman). Stockholm 2011. 61-70.


Hein, I., Gaza et l’Egypte au IIe millénaire av. J.-C. Catalogue: GAZA, à la croisée des civilisations, Genève, Musée d’art et d’histoire, 72 – 79.


Hein, I., “Ruto“  in: Catalogue: KRHTH - AIGYPTOS.. Politismikoi desmoi triwn cilieticwn.  Archaeological Museum Heraklion. 21. November 1999 – 21. September 2000. Heraklion 2000. Ed. by A. Karetsou, M. Andreadakh- Bladakh. Kat. Nr. 126.


Katalog der Sonderausstellung des Histor. Museums der Stadt Wien (Hg.): Pharaonen und Fremde (6.9. - 25.10.1994, Volkshalle des Wiener Rathauses); Redaktion und 151 Beiträge.

Artikel (Auswahl 10 Jahre)


Hein, I., Cypriot and Aegean Features in New Kingdom Egypt. Cultural elements interpreted from archaeological finds. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Egyptological congress Rhodos 2008, OLA 241,  Leuven 2015.


López, P., Lira, J., Hein, I., Discrimination of Ceramic Types Using Digital Image processing by means of morphological filters. Archaeometry Vol. 57, Issue 1, February 2015, 146–162.   doi: 10.1111/arcm.12083.


Hein, I., Stidsing, R., Accumulations: Updating the Role of Cypriot Bichrome Ware in Egypt.  JAEI Vol. 5, no.3. Sept. 2013. 44-60.


Hein, I., For practical use – an example of recycling in the ancient world. In: Institutiones historier. En vänbok till Gullög Nordquist. Ed. by E. Weiberg, S. Carlsson & G. Ekroth.  Uppsala 2013. 209-212.


Hein, I., La céramique importée palestinienne du 2e millénaire av.J.C. provenant de la fouille du Trésor de Thoutmosis Ier.  Excursus A, en: Helen Jacquet-Gordon, Karnak Nord  X, Le trésor de Thoutmosis Ier. La céramique. Vol. 1: Texte.  p. 147 - 180. Vol. 2: Figures et planches, Fig. 68 – 71  et  Pl. XVII – XIX. Fouilles de l’IFAO 65.1 et 65.2. Le Caire.


Pedersén, O., Sinclair, P., Hein, I., Andersson, J., Cities and Urban Landscapes in the Ancient Near East and Egypt with Special Focus on the City of Babylon, in: The Urban Mind: Cultural and Environmental Dynamics. Edited by Paul J.J. Sinclair, Gullög Nordquist, Frands Herschend and Christian Isendahl, Studies in Global Archaeology 15. Uppsala, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, 113-147.


Hein, I., A Contribution from Tell Dabca/cEzbet Helmi to the Cyprus Connection at the Turn of the Middle Bronze Age to Late Bronze Age. In: Proceedings of the International Conference EGYPT AND CYPRUS IN ANTIQUITY, Nicosia, 3-6 April 2003. Edited by D. Michaelides, V. Kassianidou, and R. S. Merrillees. OXBOWBOOKS, Oxford and Oakville. 2009. 29-39.


Tschegg, C., Ntaflos, Th., Hein, I., Integrated geological, petrologic and geochemical approach to establish source material and technology of Late Cypriot Bronze Age Plain White ware ceramics. Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 1103–1114.


Tschegg, C., Ntaflos, Th., Hein, I., 2009. Thermally triggered two-stage reaction of carbonates and clay during ceramic firing – a case study on Bronze Age Cypriot ceramics. Applied Clay Science 43, 69–78.


Hein, I., „Introduction“ in: I. Hein (Ed.) TheFormation of Cyprus in

the 2nd Millennium B.C. Studies in Regionalism during the Middle and Late Bronze Age. DÖAW Vol. LII, CCHEM XX. 2009. Proceedings of a workshop held at the 4th International Cyprological congress, May 2nd 2008, Lefkosia, Cyprus.



Tschegg, C., Hein, I., Ntaflos, Th., State of the art multi-analytical geoscientific approach to identify Cypriot Bichrome Wheelmade Ware reproduction in the Eastern Nile delta (Egypt), Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 1134-1147.


Hein, I., “The Significance of the Lustrous Ware Finds from cEzbet Helmi/Tell el-Dabca (Egypt)” in:  I. Hein (Ed.) The Lustrous Wares of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean”, CChEM XIII, Vienna 79 - 106.


Hein, I., Die Fundpositionen zweier syrischer Siegelabformungen aus Tell el-Dabca“. In: «Timelines», Studies in Honour of M. Bietak. (Eds. E. Czerny, I. Hein, H. Hunger, D. Melman, A. Schwab) OLA 149.2, 135-148.

Konferenzen (letzte 10 Jahre)


- “The Second Intermediate Period at Karnak North”. Workshop: Second Intermediate Period Assemblages (Wien, ÖAW, OREA)


10th ICAANE Conference, Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 3 lectures:


- “The Frame of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and Egypt” (Workshop: Cyprus the connected Island: Cyprus from the Neolithic to the end of the Bronze Age).


- Investigation of materials from ‘Ezbet Helmi . (Workshop: 50 Years at Tell el Dab’a and a Kick off for the ERC Advanced Grant “The Hyksos Enigma”.)


- F. Blakolmer/I. Hein, “A special Procession in Minoan Crete as a ritual of Rulership? A comparative view from Egypt.”


International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence, August 23-30th, I. Hein, P. Lopez, G. d’Ercole, “Ceramic Research through digital image analysis”.


- EMAC Athens, September 24-26th, P.A. Lopez, I. Hein, M. Ornelas, A. Rojas, R. Santiago Montero, D. Argote, G. D’Ercole , “Pattern recognition with Gabor filter and K-nearest neighbour algorithm applied to archaeological ceramic materials”.


- Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna: „Zur Fundposition der Wandmalereien aus Tell el-Daba.“  OREA-Workshop: Wandmalereien aus Tell el Daba. Invited speaker. 4.12. 2014


- Vienna, Austria: „Second thoughts on Cypriot pottery finds in Egypt“. Invited speaker. Workshop: Khyan and the Hyksos. Austrian Archaeological Institute. Vienna.


- Münster: „Grundlagen der Theorie zu ägyptischer Keramik. Keramik „Klassifikation“, Typologie und Fabrics. Analysemethoden. Keynote Speaker. Mai 21-25.


- Warschau: “Egypt and Cyprus” Glimpses from the Late Bronze Age. Conference:  Delta and Sinai: Current Research: April 25th – 27th,  2013.  Department of Egyptian and Nubian Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw. Invited speaker.


- Barcelona: M. Kohtamäki, I. Hein, A. Ekblom, P. Sinclair, “Testing the potential of field-methods for pottery analyses - A case study on the Chibuene assemblage, southern Mozambique.”  Global Pottery Konferenz, 1st international Congress on Historical Archaeology and Archaeometry for Societies in Contact. May 7-9, 2012.


- Vienna: I. Hein, P. Lopez Garcia, D. Argote Espino, C. Tschegg: “The Use of Digital image processing for the recognition of ancient Egyptian Ceramics”. Conference: Vienna II: Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century. May 14th – 19th.


- Uppsala:  “The dam-situation in Sudan.” Workshop: Dams, Developments and Discourses in Sudan. 22. November.


- Vienna, Austria: P. López, J. Lira, I. Hein, D. Argote, P. Fournier, S. Sánchez, C. Tschegg,  “Recognition of Ceramic Types using Digital Image Processing by Means of Morphological filters”. Conference:  EMAC 2011, (European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics), Sept. 29th - Oct. 1st.


- Uppsala:  “The Pharaonic Impact on Nubia”. Nubian Day, Uppsala: 12. November.


- Discriminant analysis of Egyptian Metallic Ware and Late Cypriot Bronze Age wares (ICASEMNE Konferenz, Nicosia).


- Cambridge, "Reproduction in Ancient Egypt: Why imitate imports?" Workshop: Functional Aspects of Egyptian Ceramics within their Archaeological Context.  Conference held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, July 24 –25th.


- Salzburg: I. Hein, C. Tschegg, Th. Ntaflos: “Luxurious Replicas from Ancient Egypt”. Erster Österr. Archäometriekongress, MMIX.


- Uppsala, Schweden: “On the track of the Leopard: Analyzing the traces of a luxurious vessel”. (invited lecture, April 2009).


- London, UK, EMAC (European Meeting of Ancient Ceramics): I. Hein, C. Tschegg, T. Ntaflos, H. Mommsen, Analyzing an enigmatic vessel: On the track of the Leopard. (POSTER).


- Rhodos, Greece: Cypriot and Aegean features in New Kingdom Egypt. Cultural elements interpreted from archaeological finds. 11th International congress of Egyptology. May 2008.


- Lefkosia, Cyprus, Regionalism in Cyprus during the Middle and the Late Bronze Age. Introduction. Workshop on Regionalism in Cyprus. Introductory lecture


- Budapest, Bichrome Wheelmade Ware: Origin and Reproduction (together with C. Tschegg, Th. Ntaflos). EMAC (European Meeting of Ancient Ceramics).


- Vienna, Universität Wien, Workshop für Studienprogramme: Der ägyptische Tempel.


- Langenlois, Austria, SCIEM 2000 Workshop, “Results of the Cyprus Project”.