Ass. Prof. Dr. Irmgard Hein - Publikationen
2004 | Hein, Irmgard / Jánosi, Peter, Tell el-Dabca XI: Siedlungsrelikte der Späten Hyksoszeit, Areal A/V. DÖAW XXV, UZK XXI, Wien. |
1993 | Hein, Irmgard / Satzinger, Helmut, Stelen des Mittleren Reiches II, CAA. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Lieferung 7. Mainz, Philipp von Zabern. |
1991 | Hein, Irmgard, Die Ramessidische Bautätigkeit in Nubien. GOF IV/22. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz. |
1989 | Hein, Irmgard / Satzinger, Helmut, Stelen des Mittleren Reiches I, CAA Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Lieferung 4. Mainz, Philipp von Zabern. |
2016 | Hein, I., Billing, N., Meyer-Dietrich, E., (Eds.), The Pyramids : between Life and Death. Proceedings of a workshop, held at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, 31st of May - 1st of June 2012. University of Uppsala. BOREAS 39. |
2013 | Hein, I., Biro, K., Buxeda I Garrigós, J., Day, P., Ionescu, C., Kilikoglou, V., Maggetti, M., Waksman, Y. (Guest-eds.), Ancient Ceramics – Analysis and Components. Special Issue, Journal of Applied Clay Science. Vol. 82, Sept. 2013. (peer reviewed volume) |
2011 | Hein, I., Kern, Ang., Kowarik, K., Tschegg C., (Eds.), EMAC 2011, 11th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Vienna Austria. Abstract volume. Vienna 2011. (free download: (peer reviewed) |
2009 | Hein, I. (Ed.) The Formation of Cyprus in the 2nd Millennium B.C. Studies in Regionalism during the Middle and Late Bronze Age. DÖAW Vol. LII, CCHEM XX. 2009. Proceedings of a workshop held at the 4th International Cyprological congress, May 2nd 2008, Lefkosia, Cyprus. (peer reviewed volume) |
2007 | Hein, I. (Ed.) „The Lustrous Wares of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean”, Papers of a conference, Vienna 5th – 6th of November 2004. CChEM XIII, Vienna. |
2006 | Czerny, E., Hein, I., Hunger, H., Melman, D., Schwab, A., (Eds.), “Timelines”, Studies in Honour of M. Bietak. 3 Volumes. OLA 149. |
Submitted for print: | Hein, I. (Ed.), Potters Art in Red and Black: The Cypriot Bichrome Wheelmade Ware. 3 volumes. With contributions by M. Artzy, C. Bergoffen, L. Crewe, M. Lindblom, H. Charaf, J.Y. Monchambert, R. Stidsing, E. Kozal, M.H. Gates. |
2011 | Hein, I., Gaza och Egypten på 1000-talet f.Kr., in : Catalogue : Gaza – Porten mot Havet, Medelhavsmuseet, (Red. S. Häggman). Stockholm 2011. 61-70. |
2006 | Hein, I., Gaza et l’Egypte au IIe millénaire av. J.-C. Catalogue: GAZA, à la croisée des civilisations, Genève, Musée d’art et d’histoire, 72 – 79. |
2000 | Hein, I., “Ruto“ in: Catalogue: KRHTH - AIGYPTOS.. Politismikoi desmoi triwn cilieticwn. Archaeological Museum Heraklion. 21. November 1999 – 21. September 2000. Heraklion 2000. Ed. by A. Karetsou, M. Andreadakh- Bladakh. Kat. Nr. 126. |
1994 | Katalog der Sonderausstellung des Histor. Museums der Stadt Wien (Hg.): Pharaonen und Fremde (6.9. - 25.10.1994, Volkshalle des Wiener Rathauses); Redaktion und 151 Beiträge. |
Artikel (Auswahl 10 Jahre)
2015 | Hein, I., Cypriot and Aegean Features in New Kingdom Egypt. Cultural elements interpreted from archaeological finds. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Egyptological congress Rhodos 2008, OLA 241, Leuven 2015. |
| López, P., Lira, J., Hein, I., Discrimination of Ceramic Types Using Digital Image processing by means of morphological filters. Archaeometry Vol. 57, Issue 1, February 2015, 146–162. doi: 10.1111/arcm.12083. |
2013 | Hein, I., Stidsing, R., Accumulations: Updating the Role of Cypriot Bichrome Ware in Egypt. JAEI Vol. 5, no.3. Sept. 2013. 44-60. |
| Hein, I., For practical use – an example of recycling in the ancient world. In: Institutiones historier. En vänbok till Gullög Nordquist. Ed. by E. Weiberg, S. Carlsson & G. Ekroth. Uppsala 2013. 209-212. |
2012 | Hein, I., La céramique importée palestinienne du 2e millénaire av.J.C. provenant de la fouille du Trésor de Thoutmosis Ier. Excursus A, en: Helen Jacquet-Gordon, Karnak Nord X, Le trésor de Thoutmosis Ier. La céramique. Vol. 1: Texte. p. 147 - 180. Vol. 2: Figures et planches, Fig. 68 – 71 et Pl. XVII – XIX. Fouilles de l’IFAO 65.1 et 65.2. Le Caire. |
2010 | Pedersén, O., Sinclair, P., Hein, I., Andersson, J., Cities and Urban Landscapes in the Ancient Near East and Egypt with Special Focus on the City of Babylon, in: The Urban Mind: Cultural and Environmental Dynamics. Edited by Paul J.J. Sinclair, Gullög Nordquist, Frands Herschend and Christian Isendahl, Studies in Global Archaeology 15. Uppsala, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, 113-147. |
2009 | Hein, I., A Contribution from Tell Dabca/cEzbet Helmi to the Cyprus Connection at the Turn of the Middle Bronze Age to Late Bronze Age. In: Proceedings of the International Conference EGYPT AND CYPRUS IN ANTIQUITY, Nicosia, 3-6 April 2003. Edited by D. Michaelides, V. Kassianidou, and R. S. Merrillees. OXBOWBOOKS, Oxford and Oakville. 2009. 29-39. |
| Tschegg, C., Ntaflos, Th., Hein, I., Integrated geological, petrologic and geochemical approach to establish source material and technology of Late Cypriot Bronze Age Plain White ware ceramics. Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 1103–1114. |
| Tschegg, C., Ntaflos, Th., Hein, I., 2009. Thermally triggered two-stage reaction of carbonates and clay during ceramic firing – a case study on Bronze Age Cypriot ceramics. Applied Clay Science 43, 69–78. |
| Hein, I., „Introduction“ in: I. Hein (Ed.) TheFormation of Cyprus in the 2nd Millennium B.C. Studies in Regionalism during the Middle and Late Bronze Age. DÖAW Vol. LII, CCHEM XX. 2009. Proceedings of a workshop held at the 4th International Cyprological congress, May 2nd 2008, Lefkosia, Cyprus.
2008 | Tschegg, C., Hein, I., Ntaflos, Th., State of the art multi-analytical geoscientific approach to identify Cypriot Bichrome Wheelmade Ware reproduction in the Eastern Nile delta (Egypt), Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 1134-1147. |
2007 | Hein, I., “The Significance of the Lustrous Ware Finds from cEzbet Helmi/Tell el-Dabca (Egypt)” in: I. Hein (Ed.) The Lustrous Wares of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean”, CChEM XIII, Vienna 79 - 106. |
| Hein, I., Die Fundpositionen zweier syrischer Siegelabformungen aus Tell el-Dabca“. In: «Timelines», Studies in Honour of M. Bietak. (Eds. E. Czerny, I. Hein, H. Hunger, D. Melman, A. Schwab) OLA 149.2, 135-148. |
Konferenzen (letzte 10 Jahre)
2017 | - “The Second Intermediate Period at Karnak North”. Workshop: Second Intermediate Period Assemblages (Wien, ÖAW, OREA) |
2016 | 10th ICAANE Conference, Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 3 lectures: |
| - “The Frame of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and Egypt” (Workshop: Cyprus the connected Island: Cyprus from the Neolithic to the end of the Bronze Age). |
| - Investigation of materials from ‘Ezbet Helmi . (Workshop: 50 Years at Tell el Dab’a and a Kick off for the ERC Advanced Grant “The Hyksos Enigma”.) |
| - F. Blakolmer/I. Hein, “A special Procession in Minoan Crete as a ritual of Rulership? A comparative view from Egypt.” |
2015 | International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence, August 23-30th, I. Hein, P. Lopez, G. d’Ercole, “Ceramic Research through digital image analysis”. |
| - EMAC Athens, September 24-26th, P.A. Lopez, I. Hein, M. Ornelas, A. Rojas, R. Santiago Montero, D. Argote, G. D’Ercole , “Pattern recognition with Gabor filter and K-nearest neighbour algorithm applied to archaeological ceramic materials”. |
2014 | - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna: „Zur Fundposition der Wandmalereien aus Tell el-Daba.“ OREA-Workshop: Wandmalereien aus Tell el Daba. Invited speaker. 4.12. 2014 |
| - Vienna, Austria: „Second thoughts on Cypriot pottery finds in Egypt“. Invited speaker. Workshop: Khyan and the Hyksos. Austrian Archaeological Institute. Vienna. |
2013 | - Münster: „Grundlagen der Theorie zu ägyptischer Keramik. Keramik „Klassifikation“, Typologie und Fabrics. Analysemethoden. Keynote Speaker. Mai 21-25. |
| - Warschau: “Egypt and Cyprus” Glimpses from the Late Bronze Age. Conference: Delta and Sinai: Current Research: April 25th – 27th, 2013. Department of Egyptian and Nubian Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw. Invited speaker. |
2012 | - Barcelona: M. Kohtamäki, I. Hein, A. Ekblom, P. Sinclair, “Testing the potential of field-methods for pottery analyses - A case study on the Chibuene assemblage, southern Mozambique.” Global Pottery Konferenz, 1st international Congress on Historical Archaeology and Archaeometry for Societies in Contact. May 7-9, 2012. |
| - Vienna: I. Hein, P. Lopez Garcia, D. Argote Espino, C. Tschegg: “The Use of Digital image processing for the recognition of ancient Egyptian Ceramics”. Conference: Vienna II: Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century. May 14th – 19th. |
| - Uppsala: “The dam-situation in Sudan.” Workshop: Dams, Developments and Discourses in Sudan. 22. November. |
2011 | - Vienna, Austria: P. López, J. Lira, I. Hein, D. Argote, P. Fournier, S. Sánchez, C. Tschegg, “Recognition of Ceramic Types using Digital Image Processing by Means of Morphological filters”. Conference: EMAC 2011, (European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics), Sept. 29th - Oct. 1st. |
| - Uppsala: “The Pharaonic Impact on Nubia”. Nubian Day, Uppsala: 12. November. |
2010 | - Discriminant analysis of Egyptian Metallic Ware and Late Cypriot Bronze Age wares (ICASEMNE Konferenz, Nicosia). |
2009 | - Cambridge, "Reproduction in Ancient Egypt: Why imitate imports?" Workshop: Functional Aspects of Egyptian Ceramics within their Archaeological Context. Conference held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, July 24 –25th. |
| - Salzburg: I. Hein, C. Tschegg, Th. Ntaflos: “Luxurious Replicas from Ancient Egypt”. Erster Österr. Archäometriekongress, MMIX. |
| - Uppsala, Schweden: “On the track of the Leopard: Analyzing the traces of a luxurious vessel”. (invited lecture, April 2009). |
2009 | - London, UK, EMAC (European Meeting of Ancient Ceramics): I. Hein, C. Tschegg, T. Ntaflos, H. Mommsen, Analyzing an enigmatic vessel: On the track of the Leopard. (POSTER). |
2008 | - Rhodos, Greece: Cypriot and Aegean features in New Kingdom Egypt. Cultural elements interpreted from archaeological finds. 11th International congress of Egyptology. May 2008. |
| - Lefkosia, Cyprus, Regionalism in Cyprus during the Middle and the Late Bronze Age. Introduction. Workshop on Regionalism in Cyprus. Introductory lecture |
2007 | - Budapest, Bichrome Wheelmade Ware: Origin and Reproduction (together with C. Tschegg, Th. Ntaflos). EMAC (European Meeting of Ancient Ceramics). |
| - Vienna, Universität Wien, Workshop für Studienprogramme: Der ägyptische Tempel. |
| - Langenlois, Austria, SCIEM 2000 Workshop, “Results of the Cyprus Project”. |